There are already 486 users and over 15,420 genealogy profiles with the Knowles surname on Geni. Explore Knowles genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
World War I Service:
Assigned: 8 Co 166 Dep Brig to 04/22/1918, Vet Crp Aux Remy D 332 to discharge
Rank: PFC 07/01/1918, Corp. 02/01/1919, Sgt. 02/17/1919
Sn: 2 288 754
Enlisted: 03/28/1918 ...
Freeman, Massachusetts October 1636. Magistrate for Fairfield May 1654 and May 1661; Assistant, Connecticut Colony 1658; War Committee for Fairfield 1654.Wife's name is unknown.Will (date gone) names s...
Knowles Charles from duxbury Leeds area of England came to US about 1884. worked in carpet factories firthcliffe near cornwall (Newburgh) NY and hirst-rogers in Philadelphia (Allegheny& Frankford). Married Elizabeth Smith and settled in Philadelphia
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