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Kurtz Genealogy and Kurtz Family History Information

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  • Abraham Kurtz (1720 - 1782)
    KURTZ, ABRAHAM, DAR Ancestor #: A208863 * Service: PENNSYLVANIA Rank: PATRIOTIC SERVICE * Birth: ANTE 1726 GERMANY * Death: ANTE 11-18-1782 EARL TWP LANCASTER CO PENNSYLVANIA * Service Description: 1) ...
  • Abraham Eli Kurtz (1841 - 1901)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Oct 10 2018, 2:58:12 UTC
  • Abraham Kurtz (1753 - 1831)
  • Adam Kurtz (1645 - 1754)
  • Amelia Ellen Kurtz (1884 - 1973)

About the Kurtz surname

apparent request for assistance from Vickie Rae Wiles

Jacob Kurtz born 1831 Winnenden, Baden Wurttemburg, Germany died 6 Dec 1912 of Catarral condition of the stomach and throat at the age of 93 yrs. In Milford township, Defiance County, Ohio. Married Jakopine Knause b 21 Aug 1840 Baden Wurttenberg Germany d 13 Apr 1884 .Children 1.Rudolph 2. Caroline 3. Louisa 4. William 5.Christian or Christina( or Both?) .I also find Jacob married to Jakobine Behne in 1880 with two children -Emma and Mary. I am unsure of the last names of these two childrens last name .I am finding both Knause and Kurtz. In 1880 Emma was 5 and Mary was 3. I also find two Naturialization dates 20 Oct 1884 and 31 Mar 1888 and only one Arrival date of Oct 1878.I have even found the name Fidolia Knause with being connected to Jacob. This has me confused.