Kurts or keres tribe living in pueblos is likely to descend from Ke-Res or even Ak-ke-ya-re-sa ,king of Pe-Ras perhaps related to some of the kurds,who allowed to return some of the exiled from Babylón to the Holy Land of America,on the occasion of which some of his sons may have accompanied them to find new lands and to found this tribe there.
He might be in my opinion identical with Anakharsis ( ana-Ak-ke-ha-res-sa-ya ) king of scythas,of traspei tribe,but hardly with Kyros of Persia. His name however may come from Kawa-Ayar known by kurds of Irán themselves as Kawa,the smith and in this case it may be still not so.
Keres tribe is related to zia - a late succssors of some of the anasa-azi generally together with Hohokam nation coming from the royal family of Ur-Islam,from Ash-Ana-'Az-Terra Wakam-Wa-Ha-Ha.
Jews and christians read these names as Kuras,Paras,Shena'atsar and Yekamyah(h).
Balázs Déri
Addendum More recently, in the late 18th and 19th centuries the name Kurz is fairly common in Germany, mostly southern German., In addition to those in Germany here are numerous families with the Kurz surname having emigrated from Germany in the later half of the 19th century living in the United Kingdom and America.