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Lambert Genealogy and Lambert Family History Information

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  • Abigail Ashby (1636 - 1682)
    Abigail Hutchinson* Birth: Dec 25 1636 - Salem, Essex, Mass* Death: Unknown* Parents: Richard Hutchinson, Mr., Alice Hutchinson* Husband: John Lambert, Anthony AshbyChildren include: # Thomas LAMBERT(1...
  • Adam Lambert
    Mitchel Lambert (born January 29, 1982) is an American singer, songwriter and actor. Since 2009, he has sold over 3 million albums and 5 million singles worldwide. Adam Mitchel Lambert (born January 29...
  • Adèline Fontaine (1844 - 1931)
  • Agnes Alicia Lambert (1543 - 1560)
  • Alba Antonella Parietti
    Alba Parietti (born 2 July 1961) is an Italian film actress and television presenter.

About the Lambert surname

Part of the story is that there was an ancestor that rode with William the Conqueror in the conquest of England in 1066.