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There are already 18 users and 359 genealogy profiles with the Lanner surname on Geni. Explore Lanner genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

Lanner Genealogy and Lanner Family History Information

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  • August Lanner (1835 - 1855)
    Augustin Lanner, sometimes known as August Lanner, was an Austrian composer, the son of the better-known Josef Lanner. He was first educated at the St. Anna-Schule but received no music instruction at ...
  • Josef Lanner (1801 - 1843)
    Joseph Lanner was an Austrian dance music composer. He is best remembered as one of the earliest Viennese composers to reform the waltz from a simple peasant dance to something that even the highest so...
  • ??? Lanner (deceased)
  • AUGUSTA Matilda Viklund (1888 - 1964)
    Född 18/8 1888 och döpt 5/10 1888 Augusta Matilda, dotter till pigan Wilhelmina Bark Alina, lär vara skrifven i Finland Dopvittne: J F Dalin och hustru från Böhle, J Sjödin och hustru Timrå (Y) C:3 (18...
  • Agnes Kristina Lanner (1878 - d.)

About the Lanner surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Lanner surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Lanner surname.

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