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About the Lebedev surname

Lebedia was named of Lebedi ,chieftain of people called sabart-asphal of Etel-Kuzu who may be identical of today's lebedin or lebed and kuzhu-get tribes near Altai mountain,and some of Lebedev families may also descend from him .

Sabart Asphal means persian falasha from Saba that is Kush or Abyssinia,who claim origin from Menelik son of king A-Shelammaha by the queen of Saba called Makeda . Mene-Lik in contemporane historical sources and in royal lists respectively is called Laki-de-Amani succeeding after 1044 b.c. Yesbokheamani alias Apa-Sebakha-Manaya-Wa-te father of A-Wa-Selamma-Rega-Telanga. In the Byble however his name is perhaps Shawa-Shak-Ka as ancestor of saxon as well as of kashak nation near Saksin in Khazaria who are the cherkes.

Jews and christians call them Shlomoh,Pasebakhamniut,Usermmaatre and Shishak.

See Zoltán,Diamant,Grossbart,Springer,Dvorák,Saxon,Abaházi,Ungar,Schwab,Österreicher,Hadbábni,Legeza,Lezsák,Flaschner,Blinker,Kamil,Arsch,Nussbaum !

Balázs Déri