There are already 111 users and over 9,995 genealogy profiles with the Lederer surname on Geni. Explore Lederer genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
kein Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivscf.: , Anna, geb. Lederer, gesch. Henle Geboren am 11.08.1894 in Reutlingen verheiratetEmigration am 18.03.1939 nach Amsterdam Deportiert am 20.01.1944 aus...
Annie Duke (born Anne LaBarr Lederer) is an American professional poker player and author. She holds a World Series of Poker (WSOP) gold bracelet from 2004 and is the leading money winner among women i...
Would like to add the Lederer's that I know of to your list of Lederer's but do not see what it is that I must do. Could use some help. I have photos of Lederer's in Wisconsin. Linda
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