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About the Lee surname



topographic name for someone who lived near a meadow or a patch of arable land or a habitational name from any of the many places named with Old English leah ‘wood’, ‘glade’, as for example Lee in Buckinghamshire, Essex, Hampshire, Kent, and Shropshire, and Lea in Cheshire, Derbyshire, Herefordshire, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, and Wiltshire.


reduced Americanized form of Ó Laoidhigh ‘descendant of Laoidheach’, a personal name derived from laoidh ‘poem’, ‘song’ (originally a byname for a poet).[]


Romanization of the Korean Letter 이 The second most popular Surname in The Korean Peninsula with approximately 9 Million people in both South and North Korea who currently have this last name. Most of the Lee Clans are Ultimately decended from Lee Al-Peyong who Selected Bak Hyeokgeose as the First King of Silla. In North Korea its often Romanized as Rhee but its technically still the Same Name


Americanized form of the Norwegian Name Lie


According to the U.S. Census (2000), Lee was the 22nd most popular surname in the U.S. with approximately 605,860 persons. Of those, 40.09% were white, 37.83% were Asian or Pacific Islander, and 17.41% were African-American.U.S. Census Bureau

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