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Lelièvre Genealogy and Lelièvre Family History Information

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  • Anne Lelièvre (c.1639 - 1672)
  • Christophe Lelièvre (c.1600 - 1653)
    Notes * Location info: Nancy, Lorraine, France (birth,marriage,death) Demographic Data Name: Christopher LELIEVE Given Name: Christopher Surname: LELIEVE Sex: M Birth: Aft 1575 in Nancy, Lorraine, Fran...
  • Etienne Xavier Lelièvre (1854 - 1943)
  • Georgette Clément (1600 - 1653)
    Notes * Location info: Nancy, Lorraine, France (birth,marriage,death) Demographic Data Name: Georgette CLEMENT Given Name: Georgette Surname: CLEMENT Sex: F Birth: Aft 1582 in France Death: Aft 1617 in...

About the Lelièvre surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Lelièvre surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Lelièvre surname.

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