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About the Lessing surname



Balázs Déri :

Some Lessing families ,rooted in Sorbia , may somehow be related to the Lesing-Atui tribe in New Ireland ,
who may by some way or another descended from Atys ( Atui ) ,son of Manés and father of Lydos ( Liud ) ,
after whom Slavic people may use the word "liud" for a people .
This is also how some people of Karelia call themselves ,although speaking no Slavic ,but a Finnish dialect .

Manés ,or Zeys ,may be identical with Manawaz' of the Armenian traditon ,son of Haik ,who in turn may well
be the same person as An-Ayek-Ha-Ha ,one of the sons of Aba-Nawa-Ma-Wan-Na ,the youngest of the twelve
forefathers of the Chosen people,the Native Americans ,the generic ancestor of Phoinicians,as Aba-Nawa was
the name of a Phoinix in old Aigyptian .
He was called Manu in India and Dionys by Greeks mythographers .

Manawaz' may be the ancestor of Manazewa tribe of Tupi language ,or of the Tupi in general ,included the
Cario and others ,and with his wife ,Gaia ( Gawa-Wa ) ,also that of the Man-Goyo in Brazil among the so
called Kamakan .
The latter,together with the Dendi,may be immigrants from along the Niger ,and mainly of Songhay origin,
whose ancestors might have had lived in the Song region of China .
It might well have been called Asia Minor in the pre-antiquity ,when the tribes later ,around 800 BC deported
by Assyrians,had still lived in the Holy Land of America,the ancient Hellás named after Arreg-Hella ,
the Lamb Woman ,and in the Asian regions pertenecent to it .
There lived many of the Lydians and their relatives ,the Carians ,the Mysians,and originally the Tyrrhéns or
Tyrséns too .

The name of Dionys in Aigyptian was Awa-Sela ,so it may be he after whom his descendants at mixture of
Pollónians and adopting the language of their Levites called themselves Slav .

So some of the Tupis might have emigrated from America,at the occasion of the Iónic emigration after the
Troian war or later,to Oceania and Australia ,and their successors were then brought to Europe
Others might have settled in Australia ,like the ancestors of the Pind-Tupi tribe of the Abo might have been .
Apparently ,they were somehow related to the people of Pindos of Makedonia too ,where also some of the
Saxons are believed to originate from ,believed to be founded by one or more Makedons ,one of whom was
also from Dionys' family .
Makedón though may be reinterpretation of Make-Make ,a deity ,or rather a later deified hero venerated on
the Eastern Island ,as Dua in many Oceanic languages means two .

See Codreanu,Codrean,Makedon,Malaya,Malayo,Cario,Carioca,Zeman,Tyukodi,Lődi,Dendi,Grayson,Sonnenschein,
Muránsky,Akasztói,Rainer,Frank,Türk and others !
