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  • Lewis (deceased)
    I’ve attached homeless Lewises to Placeholder LewisFill in notes FIRST on the profiles attached and then AFTER that merge into correct tree position. Maj. John Lewis, of “Chemokins” & Elizabeth "Isabel...
  • (Mother of 5) Lewis (c.1690 - d.)
    I have to disagree with the Miles Files on this one. Whoever she was, she was probably the mother of all of the first five of Sheriff John Lewis' children, and was not the mother of George (or any othe...
  • (infant) Lewis (1904 - d.)
  • (unknown) Lewis (deceased)
  • (unknown) Lewis (aft.1952 - d.)

About the Lewis surname


English (but most common in Wales)

From Lowis, Lodovicus, a Norman personal name composed of the Germanic elements hlod ‘fame’ + wig ‘war’. This was the name of the founder of the Frankish dynasty, recorded in Latin chronicles as Ludovicus and Chlodovechus (the latter form becoming Old French Clovis, Clouis, Louis, the former developing into German Ludwig). The name was popular throughout France in the Middle Ages and was introduced to England by the Normans.


From an Anglicized form of the personal name Llywelyn (see Llewellyn).

Irish and Scottish

Reduced Anglicized form of Gaelic Mac Lughaidh ‘son of Lughaidh’. This is one of the most common Old Irish personal names. It is derived from Lugh ‘brightness’, which was the name of a Celtic god.


Americanized form of any of various like-sounding Jewish surnames.