There are already 644 users and over 24,709 genealogy profiles with the Lindgren surname on Geni. Explore Lindgren genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Astrid Lindgren grew up in Näs, near Vimmerby, Småland and many of her books are based on her family and childhood memories and landscapes. However, Pippi Longstocking, one of her most famous books, wa...
A. Lindgren[1] (born August 11, 1976 in Burney, California[2]) is an American professional poker player. He has won two World Poker Tour (WPT) titles, two World Series of Poker bracelets, and more than...
Angelniemen seurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden ja kastettujen luettelot 1820-1846 (I C:5), jakso 43: Födda 1840 Dec - 1841 Jan - Maj; Kansallisarkisto: Viitattu 15.6.2020 Syntynyt aviottomana.
Matilda Vilhelmina Lindgren s. 1889, kuollut 1981, Suomi. Puoliso Kaarle Alfred Ranta , e. Domander.
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