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  • Rabbi Chaim Asher Lipschutz (c.1745 - d.)
    Son born in Jaroslaw. **************************************** Hebrew Wikipedia claims he is grandson of Nathan Nota Shapiro (presumably this one: Rabbi Nathan Neta Shapira, [of Horodna] ) ; or coul...
  • Clara Estlein (1885 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Estlein, Clara geb. Lipschütz geboren am 18. September 1885 in Bremen/Bremen wohnhaft in Ludwigshafen a. Rhein und in Berlin (Prenzlauer Berg) ...
  • Gerdi E. Lipschutz (1923 - 2010)
    Gerdi E. Lipschutz (April 30, 1923 – November 19, 2010) was an American politician from New York.
  • Hedwig Lipschütz (1874 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Lipschütz, Hedwiggeborene Beutler geboren am 18. September 1874 in Wittstock / Ostprignitz / Brandenburg wohnhaft in Berlin (Charlottenburg)Deportation: ab Ber...

About the Lipschutz surname

The origin and meaning of the surname Lipschutz is not clear, although there have been several proposals. It is also not clear if there is any familial relationship between families that use the name or its variants. Although Lipschutz became a somewhat common Jewish surname in Eastern and Central Europe as Jews stopped using traditional patronymic names during the 1750-1850 period, many and perhaps most modern descendants of Lipschutz families use one of many anglicized versions of the name. For all these reasons, it is not meaningful to simply refer to "the Lipschutz surname."

The Geni project "Jewish Lifshitz-Lipschitz-Lipshitz-Lifschitz-Lipschutz Families" serves genealogists with Jewish family members surnamed Lipschutz or any of its many variants.