- They have lived in the Gainesvill and chiefland, Florida area and in many other areas of the world.
From Agneta Åhrberg:
- In Sweden and the Nordic countries the name is a typical soldier name, which means "curl" (in the hair) or what you put on a pan on the stove while cooking, in english. These soldiers names where given as a complement to the patronymikon and was connected to the cottage where the soldier lived with his family. If he changed cottage he might also change his soldier name. And the new soldier that moved into the empty cottage was given the soldier name in the former recident place.
- These soldier names where chosen out from the necessity to have short, easy heard names when giving orders out in the battle fields. Noone gave orders to the higher ranked officers and those could therby use long familynames and constitute a family history connected to their person and family. In the medivival time and a couple of hundred years even the officers used the patronymicon tradition.