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Mitchell Genealogy and Mitchell Family History Information

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  • Aaron R Mitchell (1832 - 1925)
    Birth: Sep. 15, 1832 Death: Jan. 24, 1925 Family links: Children: John W. Mitchell (1882 - 1956)**Calculated relationshipNote: Husband of Laura Jane MItchell Burial: Liberty East Baptist Church Cemeter...
  • Abiah Wheeler (1739 - 1828)
  • Abigail Pierson (bef.1618 - 1698)
    ii.Abigail Mitchell, born before April 26, 1618 in Lincolns., England; died about 1680 in Newark, Essex County, New Jersey; married (1) Wheelwright before 1637; married (2) Abraham Pierson about 1638 i...
  • Abigail Parker (1798 - 1869)
    Residence : Rock Creek, Bartholomew, Indiana, United States - 1850* Residence : York Township, Putnam, Missouri, United States - 1860** Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 27 2020, 22:0...
  • Abigail Mitchell (1740 - c.1788)
    Descendant of Mayflower passenger Richard Warren

About the Mitchell surname



from the Middle English, Old French personal name Michel, vernacular form of Michael. nickname for a big man, from Middle English michel, mechel, muchel ‘big’.


Irish (County Connacht): surname adopted as equivalent of Mulvihill.

request from carolyn sue harrison

i am a mitchell. i am trying to find out who james henry mitchell's parent's and grandparent's are also. i am really having trouble find them. i am also looking for ethiora carpenter's parent's and her grandparents are also. i always come to a brick wall on the both of their parent's and grandparent's are.can anyone help me find these names ?my grandfather's names is athol hern mitchell and he is a twin to barney mitchell. they were born june 26, 1888. in alabama. james curtis mitchell is my father. b orn in stroud,oklahoma in august 7, 1922. james henry mitchell and ethiora carpenter mitchell is hisgrandparent's. does that help you out?i have been looking for them for the past 6 months with no luck. thyank you if youcan help me. carolynharrison112