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Moray Genealogy and Moray Family History Information

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  • Sir Alexander Moray of Drumsargard (deceased)
    Biographical Summary =="(251) Sir Alexander Moray of Ogilvy and Abercairny , served heir to his father 1349. He married Janet, daughter of William, Earl of Ross, and had a son: (252) Sir Andrew Moray o...
  • Sir Andrew Murray (b. - c.1338)
    Andrew Murray (1298–1338), also known as Sir Andrew Moray or Sir Andrew Murray of Bothwell, was a Scottish military leader who commanded resistance forces loyal to David II of Scotland against Edward B...
  • Andrew Moray of Abercairney (c.1460 - 1513)
    Biographical Summary =="(254) Andrew Moray of Ogilvy and Abercairny . He was served heir to his father 24th May 1504, was a Member of Assize 28th June 1513 {Criminal Trials), and was killed at Flodden ...
  • Sir Andrew de Moray of Bothwell (c.1222 - 1297)
    Moray (Norman French: Andreu de Moray; Latin: Andreas de Moravia), also known as Andrew de Moray, Andrew of Moray, or Andrew Murray, an esquire,[1] was prominent in the Scottish Wars of Independence. H...

About the Moray surname

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