There are already 41 users and 1,309 genealogy profiles with the Murat surname on Geni. Explore Murat genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Rasponi Murat (Ravenna, 8 marzo 1835 – Ravenna, 22 maggio 1896) è stato un politico italiano.Figlio minore del conte Giulio Rasponi e della principessa Luisa Giulia Murat, ultimogenita di Gioacchino Mu...
Birth: 22 NOV 1780 at Sea, enroute to Boston, Ma. Source: has a published book: Journal de Cécile Murat.Translated version by: Deveau, J. Alphonse,Diary of Cecile Murat : a story of Saint Mary's Bay fr...
There is an unproven claim this Francoise is of the Napoleon Bonaparte of France family.Claim not proven yet and...Sourced info needed for this couple as the parents of Cecile Murat.-------------------...
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