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Mure of Caldwell Genealogy and Mure of Caldwell Family History Information

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  • Sir Adam Mure of Caldwell (deceased)
    SIR ADAM MURE OF CALDWELL Selections from the Family Papers Preserved at Caldwell, Part First, pp. 8-9 Evidence from the National Records of Scotland 7 July 1458: Compotum Alexandri domini Mountgome...
  • Elizabeth Sempill (deceased)
    ELIZABETH SEMPILL=== Elizabeth Sempill is the daughter of Thomas Sempill of Eliotstoun and his wife Lady Elizabeth Ross. She married Sir Adam Mure of Caldwell. The Scots Peerage VII: 531 ===Genealogy==...
  • Elizabeth Lindsay (deceased)
    ELIZABETH LINDSAY=== According to the family papers preserved at Caldwell House, Elizabeth Lindsay was a daughter of Lindsay of Dunrod. The christian name of her father is not mentioned. Selections fro...
  • Isabel Montgomery (c.1515 - d.)
    Scots Peerage, pp 435-437.
  • John Mure of Caldwell (deceased)

About the Mure of Caldwell surname

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