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Norway Genealogy and Norway Family History Information

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About the Norway surname

Norway name in this form might be derived from the name of Uurweyne ,supposedly understood in a certain language as Oor-Way-Na ,son of Deer son of Irir son of Samaale Osmaan , ancestor of Somalian nobility .

The latter is known in antique sources as Mithridat ,king of Parthia ,corresponding also to Soninke-Malinke Mari Diatta ,and to Kale'aba of Arabians ,as ancesotr of Kale people ,what in turn

is rendered by Finns as Kaleva Osmo .

Welshmen calld him Meurig / Maurik ,king of Maurs or Méds ,and his son mentioned above Idwal

from Ir-Dual ,that is Ir-Ir .

So,his son was Deer ,another part of the issue of whom might have moved to America ,namely that descending from Uurweyne's brother Hoorroone ,to found Deer clan of Huron people there . Kinmen from Norway though might have accompanied them too,as Nottoway ( Na-Oor-To-Way ) is also present thereby . The latters' Meherrin name may come from a cognate of the family called Herimer ( Herrin-Me-Ayar ) .

Norwegians themselves called the ancestor of their kings Kaupman or Farmand ,as one ruling until about 94 b.c. equal to 971 of Northern aera counted from 1065 b.c. and to 1255 of Italian one done so from 1349 b.c. ,because he was among others the Faraon of Mande people in Mali and then yet probably in Marrocco or Mauria too ,and Peruvians used Manko Kahpak name for him .

Antaisaka tribe in Madagaskar may of part be descended from another of their brothers called Isaaq .

See Kaleva,Suomalainen,Karelin,Greif,Graufeld,.Eckstein,Esmeralda,Aladár,Tobago,Urban,Marrocco, Magyary,Magyari,Daday,Dadai,Malinka,Fái,Deer,Makarenko,Michoacán,Trenka,Petrenka,Tarasco,Taraska, Nowotka,Vajkay,Benin,Somalia,Saud,Chudin,Chudov,Riyadi,Friedeck,Kostroma,Déry,Dér,Huron,Canada, Hollaender,Hollender,Mailender,Atterlund and more !

Balázs Déri