This line of the name: Orbach goes back to the city of Wodz, Poland and begins with Yaakov (born circa 1825)wife unknown, who begot Yedidyah Lev Orbach (born circa 1855) who later married Golda Leah Orbach(nee ???) who begot at least 3 children: Hela (daughter), Shlomo Ziskind, and another brother (I have to look him up- he may have died in the Shoah). Were there other children? Ich vais Nicht. Shlomo Z iskind married Mindel Pilcher (in 1880?) and begot 6 children: Rachel.Shmuel, Moshe, Miriam, Meyer, Bezalel. Rachel committed suicide (at 18?), Bezalel and his wife and son died in the Shoah. Four children remained. Shmuel married Bessie Yagolinzer and begot Jack who married Ruth. I am their oldest son: Shelley and I have three younger sisters (one of them deceased).