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  • Alfred Aleksander Põder (1899 - 1948)
    PÕDER, Alfred-Alexander Heinrichi p , reamees (1919), seersant (1940).* II/3, nr 598/24.08.1920 Scouts polgu reamehele Alfred PÕDER´ile hinnates wahwust, mis ülesnäitanud lahingus 24 mail 1919 a. Wesjo...
  • Alvine Hõim (1886 - 1989)
    PR 1869-1892 Krootuse vanemad: PR 1901-1910 Karilatsi abikaasa: Saaga EAA.3147.1.214:150?256,1488,1000,219,0 Abielu 1909: PR 1911-1930 Karilatsi:
  • Andres Põder
    Andres Põder (sündinud 22. novembril 1949) oli Eesti Evangeelse Luterliku Kiriku peapiiskop 2005-2014. Andres Põder (born 1949) was the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Estonia 2005-2...
  • Ardo Põder (1971 - 2021)
    Ardo Põder ( 1971–2021 ) oli eesti trummar. Ta on mänginud nt ansamblites Varaan, Kolumbus Kris, J.M.K.E., Shower ja Linnu Tee (1991–1993). - surmakuupäev, foto

About the Põder surname

Põder is an Estonian surname, translated as "Moose”. Derived surnames: Paedder, Pedder, Peder, Podder, Poeder, Poedder, Pödder and Pötjer. As of 2019, there are 775 men and 802 women with surnames in Estonia. 26th most popular in Estonia. It is also found in Russia: in the Leningrad region, in Siberia and in the Kaliningrad region.

Until the second half of the 19th century, according to the rules of Estonian grammar, the surname was written with a double consonant (Põdder).

In the old Estonian orthography, single consonants following short vowels were written twice, even if they were short.
The old orthography of the Estonian language was created in the 17th century by Bengt Gottfried Forselius and Johann Hornung based on the standard German orthography. Modern Estonian orthography is based on the new orthography created by Eduard Ahrens in the second half of the 19th century based on the Finnish orthography.