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Pardo Genealogy and Pardo Family History Information

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  • Alonso Pardo (c.1470 - d.)
  • Andrés Luna de San Pedro (1887 - 1952)
    Andres Pardo de Tavera Luna de San Pedro is a renowed artist and architect. He designed the Parisian Regina Building, Art deco Perez - Samanillo building and the revivalist Crystal Arcade (the first of...
  • Annie Pardo Cemo
    On May 18, 2015, Dr. Annie Pardo Cemo, became the first non-American woman to receive from the American Thoracic Society, the Recognition Award for Scientific Accomplishments given for her outsta...
  • Antón Pardo (c.1505 - d.)
  • Bartolomé Pardo Parraguez, Oficial Real (c.1498 - 1567)
    Bartolomé PARDO PARRAGUEZ, n. Betanzos, Galicia, España; pasó al Perú como oficial real, seguramente en pos de sus hijas casadas con conquistadores de Chile; c. Santiago c. Leonor María de TORRES DE ZA...

About the Pardo surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Pardo surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Pardo surname.

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