Recorded as Park, Parke, Parks, Parkes Perks, the occupational Parkman, and the residential Parkhouse, this is an English surname. It has two possible origins. It can be either a metonymic or occupational name for someone employed in or at a park, or it can be topographical, and denote someone who lived by such a place. The derivation is from the pre 10th century Old French word "parc." This described in medieval times a large enclosed area where a landowner could hunt game. Early examples of the surname development include the recordings of Iselota atte Park of the county of Kent in 1285, Henry del Parks of Worcestershire in 1304, whilst Johannes del Parkhouse appears in the Poll Tax rolls for the county of Yorkshire, in 1379.. Thomas Parkes was an early settler in the new colony of 'Virginea'. He appears in what is believed to have been the first muster or census of inhabitants on February 24th 1624 where is recorded as 'living in James Cittee'. The famous Scottish explorer, Mungo Park, (1771 - 1806), led two expeditions to trace the source of the Niger in Africa, and published an account of his adventures called simply "Travels", in 1799. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Henry del Parck. This was dated 1272, in the Assize Court rolls of Staffordshire, during the reign of King Edward 1st of England. He was known to history as "The Hammer of the Scots", 1272 - 1307.
Balázs Déri :
Ancestor of Park family of Corea ,Park Hyeokgeose / Hyökköse ,might have been
descended from Ek-Ha-Par-Re ,son of A'ash-Ag-Haya-Ra ,from the tribe of A-Wa-Hayad-Daha ,
who is the forefather of Hiagas peoples,called also Kirgiz after a descendant of his called
A-Tek-Qayar-Ga .
The family might have well spoken a previous form of modern Yug-Qagir and Qayuga languages .
After Ek-Ha-Par-Re might the kingdom of Parhae ,that is Parre-Hae(k) been named ,people of which
was believed of origin partly from Koguryo ,that might have been the country of Yukaghyr peoples as well .
He may also be the ancestor of Pareca tribe among those called Kiri-Ibe in the Holy Land of America ,
in Venezuela .
Qiri-Ibe may also be of Qirgiz origin,and the isle of Kiribati - formerly Gilbert - might also be
named originally after them : Qiri-ibe-Ati .
Tekiraka ,probably Tekqiraga tribe may also share this origin with them .
Present Hakas people in Asia is believed to be the successors of the ancient
Hiagas / Qirgiz of Siberia ,and might be named after Hyökköse ,the Park .
Another of Parhae's leading nationalities was ,according to general assumption ,
the so called Malkal people ,who may be descended from A'al-Lawa-Malek-Ke ,
husband of An-Neg-Ra-Mawa from Bawad-Te-Lak-Ha-Me ,now called Harakmbut ,
who emibrated from America because of the famine entering it to the fields of Am-Ma-ya-'A-Ba ,
that approaches the modern China ,Corea and Mongolia and all the other countries South to
Amur ,called A'ar-Ren-Nan-Na in the Byble .
Inhabitants of it are now called Miao ,or Mong .
The capital of the country was Ar-Gara ,named after Ar-Gara ,another son of A-Wa-Hayad-Daha ,
whose descendants are now called ,being the kings of the Mong ,Mongol .
A'al-Lawa-Malek-Ke might have taken part in the foundation of Parhae ,together with his people ,
and when his widow returned to E'a-Pera-Te ,that is Peraea ,now called Peru ,after the death
of the two of their sons,as it is written in the Byble ,the tribe she founded might therefore
have been named Paramonga ,that is Parr'Hae-Anmon'g(r)a .
The language spoken by them,that of the Mochica ,seems to be similar to Corean though ,
rather than to any else .
Mochica themselves may be the successors of Motrik tribe of the region of Bohai .
Anneg-Ra-Mawa's daughters-in-law might have been either of Mongol or of Corean ,
or of mixed Mongol-Corean descent .
See Mongol,Pak,Seok,Cervenák,Karczaghy,Deer,Canada,Huron,Parker,Páramo,Moskovits,
Bagó,Bagratuni,Baghdadi,Burma,Tarasco and others !