There are already 587 users and over 18,527 genealogy profiles with the Patton surname on Geni. Explore Patton genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Nov. 14, 1926 Death: Feb. 22, 2011
Machinists Mate Third Class US Navy.
Family links:
Mary Josephine Spencer Patton (1926 - 2009)
Burial: Tuscaloosa...
ObituaryAlexander E. Patton is Dead, Clearfield, Pa., Sept. 5State Senator Alexander E. Patton of Curwensville, died of heart disease at 4 o'clock this morning after an illness of twenty-four hours.Ale...
GEDCOM Note ===Maiden name is Alice Patten, daughter of Richard Patten (d. 1536). Alice was the widow of Thomas Searle of Essex and sister of Wm Patten. See "The Wades The History of a Family....of Zac...
Patton. Alson Currie Patton Jr. ~ July 27, 1995
PATTON. Alson Currie Patton Jr., 98, a longtime Worcester, Mass., resident and retired actuary and mathematician, died July 26, in Worcester, Mass. Born...
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