from Balázs Déri
Villages called Petri in Hungary may be a colony of the Nabataian people from Petra . That city,their capital,might have well been named of E'a-Pa-Ra-Te ,wife of Ak-a-La-Ba, and founder of the original city of the same name somewhere in South .Naba-Ta namely, father of A-War-Rab-Agra-Ma ,the first king of Samaria from about 1043 b.c. ,came also from there,and he and his son respectively might have issued Nabataian and maur-arab tribes that occupied territories in Asia and Africa after the exile of the nation from America from
about 800 b.c. and on .
Jews and christians read 'Efrat,Kaleb,Nebat,Yeroboam .
See Böröndi,Kun,Dobó,Black,Neufeld,Luxemburg,London,Gáldy,Reuther,Malek,Kyprianou, Michoacan,Dascal,Inokay,Ant,Kotromanic and more !
Balázs Déri