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Piccard Genealogy and Piccard Family History Information

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  • Professor Auguste Piccard (1884 - 1962)
    Auguste Antoine Piccard (28 January 1884 – 24 March 1962) was a Swiss physicist, inventor and explorer.BiographyPiccard and his twin brother Jean Felix were born in Basel, Switzerland. Showing an inten...
  • Bertrand Piccard
    Piccard (born 1 March 1958) is a Swiss psychiatrist and balloonist.Born in Lausanne, Vaud canton, Bertrand Piccard, along with Brian Jones, was the first to complete a non-stop balloon flight around th...
  • Don Piccard (1926 - 2020)
    Louis Piccard (1926–) is an American balloonist.The son of Jean Felix Piccard and Jeannette Piccard, Don Piccard first flew in a balloon in 1933, when he was enlisted as "crew" by his mother, the first...
  • Jeannette Ridlon Piccard (1895 - 1981)
    Ridlon Piccard (January 5, 1895 – May 17, 1981) was an American high-altitude balloonist, and in later life an Episcopal priest. She held the women's altitude record for nearly three decades, and accor...
  • Laura Baumann (1871 - 1940)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Baumann, Laurageborene Katzenstein geboren am 06. April 1871 in Kassel / - / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in KasselTodesdatum: 26. November 1940 Todesort: Kassel Sch...

About the Piccard surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Piccard surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Piccard surname.

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