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Pilon Genealogy and Pilon Family History Information

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  • Angélique Normand (1839 - 1927)
    ANGELIQUE NORMAND======Metis Script Application===ST. NORBERT, 7 MAY 1885: Scrip affidavit for ANGELIGUE PILON; born: May 7, 1839; husband: Joseph Pilon; father: Baptiste Normand (French Canadian Métis...
  • Antoine Pilon (1664 - 1715)
    Antoine Pilon and Marie Anne Brunet dit Letang were married on January 10, 1689 in Montreal, Que.
  • Celina Pilon (c.1887 - 1922)
    Celina was (reported) a Chippewa woman (but her tribal origin is unknown) The Rapid City Indian School was located in Rapid City, South Dakota, and has since been converted into both an asylum and a...
  • Francoise Marie Robidoux (1755 - 1829)
    When Françoise Marie Robidoux was born on 19 June 1755, in Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, Laval, Quebec, Canada, her father, Jean Baptiste Robidoux, was 28 and her mother, Anne Marie Ménard dit Bellerose, was ...
  • Germain Pilon (c.1528 - 1590)
    Germain Pilon (c. 1525 – 3 February 1590)[1] was a French Renaissance sculptor. Biography He was born in Paris and trained with his father, Antoine Pilon. Documents show that he and his father executed...

About the Pilon surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Pilon surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Pilon surname.

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