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Poletti Genealogy and Poletti Family History Information

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  • Charles Poletti, Governor (1903 - 2002)
    Charles Poletti (July 2, 1903-August 8, 2002) was an American lawyer and politician. He was the 46th Governor of New York in 1942, and was the first Italian-American governor in the United States.
  • Bérengère Poletti
    Bérengère Poletti (born 14 October 1959 in Biencourt-sur-Orge) is a French politician who served as a member of the National Assembly of France from 2002 to 2022, representing the 1st constituency of...
  • Eleonora Giulia Amalia Duse (1858 - 1924)
    Duse (Italian: [eleo%CB%88n%C9%94%CB%90%C9%BEa ˈduːze]; (3 October 1858 – 21 April 1924) was an Italian actress, often known simply as Duse.Life and careerDuse was born in Vigevano, Lombardy, and began...
  • Fabrizio Poletti
    Fabrizio Poletti (Bondeno, 13 luglio 1943) è un ex calciatore e allenatore di calcio italiano, di ruolo difensore.

About the Poletti surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Poletti surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Poletti surname.

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