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  • Chava Eva Pressburger (1930 - 2022)
    Chava Pressburger was born in 1930 in Prague, Czechoslovakia, to Otto and Marie Ginz, who met through the Esperanto movement. Chava and her older brother, Petr, grew up in a liberal, Zionist Jewish hom...
  • Fanny Preßburger (1892 - aft.1941)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Preßburger, Fannygeborene Landauer geboren am 23. Februar 1892 in Rexingen / Horb a. Neckar / Württemberg wohnhaft in RexingenDeportationsziel: ab Stuttgart 01...
  • Friederike Schweizer (1896 - 1941)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Schweizer, Friederikegeborene Pressburger geboren am 02. April 1896 in Rexingen / Horb a. Neckar / Württemberg wohnhaft in BaisingenDeportationsziel: ab Stuttg...
  • Gertrude Pressburger (1927 - 2021)
    GEDCOM Note ===Deportováni z oblasti Fossoli Verona do Osvětimi 5.4.1944
  • Giorgio Pressburger (1937 - 2017)
    scrittore, dramaturgo, registaebreo di genitori slovacchi, nato in Ungheria, ha fratello gemello Nicola.

About the Pressburger surname

Presbón son of Erginos from Poseidáón's family may have been founder of the city of Pressburg,that is Presbón-Reg -if Ergin is Er-reg-gin - or Presbo-Erg. Four gothic tribes having come from Troia may well descend from four sons of Anapattelawa or Neptún,ancestor of nawatl nation :

1,A-Gaya-Nawa begot gépaida or norman 2,A-Was-Ter-Ra begot austro-got 3,Awak-Hes-te-Wa-Alla begot wandal 4,Esha-La-ya-Me begot wesi-got

Troia could well be Teotiwakan where also turks took their origins.

Jews and christians talk about Naftali,Guni,Yatsar,Yakhtsiel and Shallum.

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