Presbón son of Erginos from Poseidáón's family may have been founder of the city of Pressburg,that is Presbón-Reg -if Ergin is Er-reg-gin - or Presbo-Erg. Four gothic tribes having come from Troia may well descend from four sons of Anapattelawa or Neptún,ancestor of nawatl nation :
1,A-Gaya-Nawa begot gépaida or norman 2,A-Was-Ter-Ra begot austro-got 3,Awak-Hes-te-Wa-Alla begot wandal 4,Esha-La-ya-Me begot wesi-got
Troia could well be Teotiwakan where also turks took their origins.
Jews and christians talk about Naftali,Guni,Yatsar,Yakhtsiel and Shallum.
Balázs Déri