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Preston Genealogy and Preston Family History Information

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  • (Unnamed Child) Preston (1683 - 1683)
  • Lieutenant Abiel Preston (1735 - aft.1790)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for VERMONT with the rank of LIEUTENANT. DAR Ancestor # A092865 appears in list of the freemen residing in the town of Cavendish VT September 3, 1782 Lt Abiel Pre...
  • Abigail Preston (bef.1648 - 1723)
    Abigail Jackson Preston Find A Grave Memorial# 20750204 Dorchester North Burying Ground, Dorchester, Suffolk County, Massachusetts, USA Also known as: Dorchester North Burying Place, First Burying ...

About the Preston surname

  • Family tradition indicates that "Preston" derives from Scottish Preists town. Attributed to a William or Leolphus DePreston who was accredited to acceptance of an emparkment in Northern England in exchange for an oath of fealty to Edward I "Longshanks".
  • "The eldest son of an Englishman named after his birthplace or his estate was, for instance, Preston, like his father, sometimes with a different forename to distinguish him, though not so invariably as a genealogist might wish;" see: (This passage is in reference to the connections between the Isle of Man and Lancashire