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Quackenbosch Genealogy and Quackenbosch Family History Information

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  • Johannes Quackenbosch (1675 - 1732)
    Reference: WikiTree Genealogy - SmartCopy : Apr 30 2021, 4:20:28 UTC
  • Adriaan Quackenbosch (1704 - 1707)
    Adriaan's other children are as follows: Catharina (bp. 7 Jan. 1739), Geertrui (bp. 20 Dec. 1741) and Maghtel (bp. 31 Aug. 1755),
  • Adriana Gerritsdr van Quackenbosch (1569 - d.)
    Gerrit Aelbertszoon van Quackenbosch (4) was a clothier at Leiden, and married Catyn van de Graft Jacobs- dochter, who is named in a notarial deed of Nov. 9th, 1578. The motto " Vrede in Rykdom" (Peac...
  • Aefje Albrechtsdr van Quackenbosch (1537 - 1608)
    Aefje (Eva) van Quackenbosch, second daughter of Ael-bert (3), was born in 1537 and married Gerard van Hoogeveen, who was born August 8th, 1524, and was Landlord of Hooge-veen, pensionary of Leiden and...
  • Aelbert van Quackenbosch (aft.1450 - d.)
    Aelbert van QuackenboschAelbert van Quackenbosch was NOT born in Reusel-de Mierden [which is in Brabant, not Holland, near the Belgian border, but there does exist a ‘Holland straat’ which had given mu...

About the Quackenbosch surname

Please link profiles with these names to de 'van-QUACKENBOSCH-❧-family-genealogy project-page, so we can do further research for the NEW AMSTERDAM-project. You like to help with searching the relations between the different ~Quackenbosch~Quackkenbosch~Quackenbos~Quakenbosch~Quakenbusch~Quackenbush~ ~Kwakkenbos~Kwakkenbosch~ family members? Welcome to join us!

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