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Rügen Genealogy and Rügen Family History Information

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  • Barnuta von Rügen (c.1174 - bef.1241)
    Yet - this page claims that Johannes de Gristow also was Barnutas son:Quote: "With his wife Slavomira, a daughter of Mitzlaw II von Gützkow according to the chronicler Kantzow , he founded the family o...
  • Dobizlaw von Rügen (c.1250 - aft.1249)
    (a) DOBIZLAW (-after Nov 1249). "Dobezlaus de Crizstow miles filius domini Barnute" confirmed possessions of Kloster Ilda donated by "pater noster dominus Barnuta sive avus noster Jeromarus" by charter...
  • Eufemia von Rügen, Queen of Norway (c.1280 - 1312)
    von Rügen, dronning av Norge: Eufemia, død 1. mai 1312, dødssted Oslo, gravlagd i Mariakyrkja, Fødd ca. 1280; hovudskallen overført til Akershus slott 1982. Dronning. Foreldre: Kven som var foreldre er...
  • Gerswinde von Alemannien (b. - 758)
    As of 3 Feb 2019, Medlands does not confirm a parentage of Hnabi & Emma.
  • Gunhild Svendsdatter (aft.970 - 1015)
    Conclusion: Gunhild born ca. 965 can not be the daughter of Svend Haraldsen, born 960, so what ever changes that have been done are simply wrong. But she can still be the mother of those 3 children, Gu...

About the Rügen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Rügen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Rügen surname.

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