There are already 1,826 users and over 46,394 genealogy profiles with the Reid surname on Geni. Explore Reid genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Gail Leger is listed as wife of George Reid in DAR application (Nation Number 132820) of Jospehine Gresham Armstrong, dated 4 June 1917.Links* Leger was born. Abigail married George Reid, Lt. Col.Abiga...
My Genealogy Home Page:Information about Abraham ReedAbraham Reed (b. 1745, d. date unknown) Abraham Reed, (son of Mathew Reed) , was born 1745 in Londonderry, N.H., and died date unknown. He married M...
Adam Greydon Reid (born January 1, 1973) is a Canadian actor, voice actor, director, and producer. He is known for voicing Wayne on 6Teen[2] and Justin on Total Drama.[3]
From Jennifer Margaret Spellacy, April 23, 2024: This is the history that I have regarding Mary:
Adam Reid was born April 25 1827 died 1898 at Jamestown SA of heart disease. He married Mary at St Pa...
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