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Rives Genealogy and Rives Family History Information

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  • Alexander Rives (1806 - 1885)
    Biography Alexander Rives was born on June 17, 1806 in Amherst, Virginia, USA. His parents were Robert Rives, Sr., and Margaret Jordan Rives (Cabell) . Alexander married Isabella Bachem Rives (Window...
  • Amelie Louise Trubetskoy (1863 - 1945)
    élie Louise Rives Troubetzkoy (1863–1945) was an American novelist and poet. Rives wrote at least twenty-four volumes of fiction, numerous uncollected poems, and Herod and Marianne (1889), a verse dram...
  • Benjamin Rives (1785 - aft.1850)
  • Eleanor Rives (1739 - 1786)
    Eleanor Neal, was the daughter of David Neal of Amelia Co., Virginia who, on May 23, 1768, deeded to his "two grandchildren William Rives and Joannah Rives, son and daughter to Thomas Rives, four negro...
  • Elizabeth Rives (1683 - 1759)

About the Rives surname