There are already 1,770 users and over 45,793 genealogy profiles with the Rosenberg surname on Geni. Explore Rosenberg genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abraham “Abe” & Rebecca “Granny” Winstock Rosenberg Abraham (Avraham ben Yaakov Hirsh) was one of the four sons of Basya and Yaakov Hirsh Rosenberg of Suwalki Poland (Moses Winstock came from the same ...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Rosenberg, Adolf Abel
geboren am 11. April 1866
in Drohobycz/Galizien
wohnhaft in Berlin (Tiergarten)
ab Berlin
28. Juli 1942, The...
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:
Rosenberg, Adolf
geboren am 11. November 1879 in Hildesheim / - / Hannover wohnhaft in Worms
Deportation: ab Mainz-Darmstadt 25. März 1942, Piaski, Gh...
Aharon Razin (Hebrew: אהרון רזין) (born April 6, 1935) is an Israeli biochemist.*In 2004, Razin was awarded the Israel Prize, for biochemistry.*In 2008, he was awarded the Wolf Prize in Medicine, joint...
Seymour Rosenberg, born 1925son of Sophie Rosenblatt, nephew of Sylvia and Leon Blatman, New York
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