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  • 1st wife of Joseph Royall (deceased)
    Joseph Royall married twice. His second wife was Mary, widow of George Archer, whose daughter Margery (Archer) Bullington, mentions in her will dated 20, January 1691/92 her brothers John Archer and He...
  • 1st wife of Joseph Royall (deceased)
    JOSEPH ROYALL 1550 - 1615 Born in London, member of a large family. Served apprenticeship as a leather worker and founded a factory producing shoes for the armies of Queen Elizabeth 1st and King James...
  • Angeline Royale (c.1550 - 1620)
    Reference: FamilySearch Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 1 2017, 3:14:12 UTC === GEDCOM Source ===Ancestry Family Tree
  • Ann Royall (c.1600 - c.1645)
    Ann was the second wife of Joseph Royal II. She is named as such in the land patent where he claimed his headrights for her. No last name is given in the patent. They were married in 1637. She died bef...
  • Cornelius Royall, Sr. (1688 - 1747)
    Cornelius Royal* Birth: 1688 - Sampson, North Carolina, United States* Death: 1745 - Sampson, North Carolina, United States* Parents: John Royal, Mary Royal (born Hardy)* Brother: Owen Royal* Wife: Mar...

About the Royall surname



Around the year 1000 AD, those in attendance to the king of a country (these might be personal servants, bodyguards or gentlemen and ladies attached to the royal court for various reasons of state or the personal preference of the king or queen) were known as "ye royal families" or "ye familie royal". This title applied only to those who lived in the residence of the king or who attended him on his missions. A son of royal blood would be Prince John. He might have a personal servant or bodyguard by the name of John. This John became: John of ye royal familie". If he were freed by the king or became a freeman by wars or acts, he would still go by the only name he knew, only he dropped part of his title. He became: john royal (no capital letters). He was not of the so called royal blood and this caused confusion and bitter resentment among the nobility. By kingly decree, the family was ordered to spell their name differently and they did this by adding an additional L to royal.