There are already 69 users and 2,052 genealogy profiles with the Scarlett surname on Geni. Explore Scarlett genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Courtesy of the Kentucky Kindred blog: following are abstracts from some of the wills from Section 309 of the Tayloe Papers.Will of Martin Scarlett, dated January 3, 1675/6, proved April 8, 1696. *To W...
: Joseph Sr. of Chester bought 500 acres in Aston, from William Penn on 6-6-1682. Richards: William Cecil of Longcomb, Oxfordshire Eng. bought 250 acres from William Penn. Part was conveyed from his wi...
Der Familienname SCARLETT stammt von den britischen Inseln. Die Vorfahren meiner Mutter wanderten im 17. oder 18. Jahrhundert nach Frankreich aus. Von dort kamen Ableger der Familie nach Deutschland. Leider sind keine genaueren Daten überliefert.
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