My grandfather was Adolph Albert Schuler that came to the United States in 1909. He was a carpenter for the Railroad in Texas and Arizona and eventually became a renowned builder in California. His 1st wife was Ida Stolz born in Texa, 2nd was Jennie Carpenter born in Illinoisand 3rd was Olga Weimar born in Germany. They are mostly gone now. My mother Ida Marie Schuler, Harry and Alexander were from his 1st marriage, Lois and Adolph Jr. were from the 2nd marriage. There were no children from the 3rd marriage. My mother was Ida Marie Schuler and I am from her 2nd marriage which was to Louis Glessner. James Swift Jr. "Duffy" is from her 1st marriage and he passed some years ago. There are still some children from Duffy's marriage to Delores Robles in Sacramento, but I haven't kept in touch. My brother Mike still lives in Sacramento as well as a 1/2 brother and 1/2 sister from mom's 3rd marriage to Fred Melzer. The grand parents Olga and Adolph died in Grass Valley California in one of the 1st homes I lived in when I was very young. They are buried in the Grass Valley Cemetery.