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Sens Genealogy and Sens Family History Information

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  • Anna Maria Sens (1833 - d.)
    Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy : Feb 11 2018, 2:20:57 UTC
  • Fromont I, comte de Sens (914 - 948)
    de Sens title Count of Sens around 939 - 948 Other titles Viscount of Senses Successor Fox I Dynasty Fromonides Birth around 914 Death 948 Sens [Yonne] children Fox I [? a girl] Fromond I...
  • Gainfroi, count of Sens (765 - 842)
    from Wikipedia Arnulf of Sens(ca.793/794 - April, 841) was a Frankish noble, an illegitimate son of Louis the Pious, the son of Charlemagne. His mother Theodelinde of Sens (ca.764 - 794) was the daught...
  • Garnier of Sens, count of Troyes (c.868 - 925)
    Allström says he was son rather than grandson of Thierry I the Chamberlain. B. VICOMTES et COMTES de SENS [882]-1015 - 1. WARNER [Garnier], son of --- (-killed in battle 6 Dec 924). Vicomte de Sens...
  • Gerberge de Roucy de Reims (c.960 - 1020)
    Renaud or Ragenold, Count of Roucy (b: abt 920 or 923, 931 - d: 10 May 967) was a Viking who became the military chief of Reims after the restoration of Artald of Reims. He'd built a fort at Roucy betw...

About the Sens surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Sens surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Sens surname.

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