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  • Abel Spalding (1736 - d.)
  • Agnes Prince (b. - aft.1521)
    John Spalding of Fornham All Saints within the Diocese of Norwich: Will dated April 21, 1521. "I do make & ordain this my present testament and last will... to John Spalding, my son; to Henry Spalding,...
  • Albert Spalding (1850 - 1915)
    Albert Goodwill Spalding (Byron, Illinois September 2, 1850 – September 9, 1915 in Point Loma, San Diego, California) was a professional baseball player, manager and co-founder of A.G. Spalding sportin...
  • Alethaire Spalding (1753 - 1821)
    Birth: Apr. 22, 1753 St. Mary's County Maryland, USA Death: Dec. 1, 1821 Washington County Kentucky, USAAlethaire was the daughter of Samuel Abell IV & Eleanor O'Bryan. She married Benedict Joseph Sp...
  • Alexander Spalding, SV/PROG (1812 - 1888)
    Death (08/1888) : "South Africa, Cape Province, Kimberley, Probate Records of the Supreme Court, 1871-1937," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 7 November 2016), 007731418 > image 263 of 1254; Piet...

About the Spalding surname

The Spaldings of Ashintully The Spalding family highlighted here lived in Perthshire, Scotland, for several hundred years before 1745, and dispersed to Germany, Sweden, Jamacia, Georgia, Liverpool and elsewhere. The castle of Ashintully was the clan center in Perthshire. Map of this location

Spalding highlights and lowlights In 1318, Peter Spalding helped followers of Robert the Bruce enter and sieze the town of Berwick from the English. He was English and a burgess of the town, but he was married to a cousin of Sir Robert Keith, Marshall of Scotland. He was granted lands by Bruce on 1 May 1319 in Ballourthy and Petmethy in Forfarshire (now Angus), together with the Keepership of the Royal Forest of Kilgerry. He also received a flag with a gate upon it, having a portcullis half raised, and the motto "Nobile Servitium". Around 1060, King Malcolm III "Canmore", who killed Macbeth in 1057, built Whitefield Castle in Strathardle as a hunting lodge. Over 500 years later, in 1576, Colonel David Spalding led members of his clan to fight in Flanders for the King of Spain. After 7 years, with the resulting plunder, he built Ashintully Castle, 1 km to the southeast of Whitefield Castle, which served as a model. In 1615, David "Deas" Spalding started the first regular Highlands market place: "Michael Mass Fair". In Gaelic he was called "Daidh Deas" (line over "e" in Deas). Deas, as here used, requires half-a-dozen English words to give the full meaning - ever, or very restless, ready, brave, wise, etc. Deas means south, and is a relic of Druid sun-worship. Everything if south or sunwards was perfect. But 200 years later, another David Spalding, also Laird of Ashintully, was remembered much more harshly. "He condemned and executed many most unrighteously, particularly a man of the name of Duncan, who was drowned in a sack in what is still called 'Duncan's Pool.'" During the early 1700's, the family followed the Jacobite cause, lost its lands, and dispersed. Over the years, offshoots of the original Spaldings of Berwick migrated to Aberdeen, Perthshire, Edinburgh, Germany, Sweden, Jamaica, Liverpool, and Georgia. At least three books have been written about them, by the branches in Germany, Liverpool and Georgia. The Aberdeen branch might be related to the well-known historical society the "Spalding Club" established in 1839. Ashintully Castle, now a 3000-acre sheep ranch and B&B, has been visited by Spaldings from these places and more. Following the stories of these people, and the times in which they lived, is fascinating, and makes history come alive. Just think. Until the mid 1700's there were no roads or wheeled vehicles of any kind in this part of the highlands, and Gaelic was spoken universally. Geography The action takes place in Strathardle, a valley at the beginning of the Scottish Highlands in Perth county, which is part of the Tayside district. The "District of Atholl" seems to be a smaller area also containing Strathardle. It is a beautiful area consisting of rolling hills separated by glacial valleys. These are the foothills of the Grampian Mountains. The most popular skiing in Scotland is at the top of nearby Glenshee. Timeline

1286 to 1390 Wars of Independence against England

1319-05-01 Robert the Bruce rewards Peter Spalding, for help capturing the town of Berwick, with lands in Forfarshire.

1456 David Spalding sat in Parliament of Scotland for Burgh of Dundee.

1545 George Wishart and John Knox begin spreading Protestantism in Scotland.

1560 First Reformation Parliament, First Book of Discipline.

1562 Reformation reaches Strathardle, eviction of Priest John Hammill.

1576 Colonel David Spalding fights in Flanders for King of Spain for 7 years.

1583 Colonel David Spalding, Laird of Ashintully, builds Ashintully Castle with the plunder from Flanders.

1583 New Laird of Ashintully: Andrew Spalding, son of David.

1587 Execution of Mary Queen of Scots.

1603 James VI of Scotland becomes James I, King of England.

1607-11-30 Laird Andrew Spalding died.

1607 New Laird of Ashintully: David Deas Spalding son of Andrew.

1609-06-22 Testament of "Andro Spalding of Essintullie."

1615 David Deas Spalding granted rights to organize Michaelmas market by James VI.

1638 National Covenant: Protestant, anti-Catholic; pro King but anti-bishop.

1641 Laird David died in Dunstaffnage Castle.

1641 New Laird of Ashintully: William Spalding 2nd cousin of David.

1644 Campaign of Earl of Montrose, James Graham against Covenanters, Argyll, Campbells.

1649-08-04 Records on "Rentall of the County of Perth, by Act of ... Parliament."

1650 First parish records of birth, death, etc. are recorded.

1651 Rev. Francis Piersone, parish minister of Kirkmichael, forms Presbytery (?) Marries daughter of Andrew "Madadh Brae" Spalding at some point.

1651 Cromwellian occupation of Scotland.

1661 Laird William Spalding died.

1661 New Laird of Ashintully: Andrew "Madadh Brae" Spalding, son of William.

1675 Birthbrief by Charles II indicates they are "lesser barons" (no "baron" title)

1681 Act of Parliament for Andrew Spalding - the "mains of Ashintully."

1689 Crown offered to Protestants William and Mary, but opposed in Highlands.

1689 James Graham "Bonnie Dundee" leads Jacobite Rebellion, wins at Killiecrankie, and dies.

1705-01 Laird Andrew Spalding died.

1705 New Laird of Ashintully: David Spalding son of Andrew.

1707 Parliamentary Union with England. 1715 Jacobite Rebellion led by Earl of Mar, defeated at Sheriffmuir.

1744 Laird David Spalding died.

1745 Jacobite Rebellion - Bonnie Prince Charlie, defeated at Culloden in 1746.

1777 First road, bridge, connects Strathardle with Blairgowrie and the lowlands.

1947 Aton family, 3 daughters, sold Ashintully to family of current owners? Genealogy F.J.S and M.S, "Notes and Traditions Concerning the Family of Spalding" 1914, Henry Young & Sons, Liverpool. 250 pages. A. G. Reid "Strathardle - Its History and its People", 2nd Edition, Blairgowrie Printers 1986, 1992 E Merton Coulter's "Thomas Spalding of Sapelo" Louisana State University Press, Univ, LA 1940 Lovell, Caroline Couper, "The Golden Isles of Georgia", 1939, Little, Brown and Company, Boston. 300 p. Vanstory, Burnette, "Georgia's Land of the Golden Isles", Revised Ed. 1970, University of Georgia Press, Athens. 225 p. Sasines of Perth, Edinburgh, & general register: RS 52/22 pp 395v-396v C044361 1740-10-21 James Spalding - missing last page RS 52/23 pp 276r-277r C044361 1743-05-09 John Spalding RS 52/23 pp 344v-345v C044388 1743-11-29 Thomas Bisset of Glenilbert <= Thoma\ s Spalding RS 27/135 pp 175r-177r C044401 1749-03-21 James Spalding of Bonnymills RS 27/143 pp 346r-351f C044401 1754-05-18 James Spalding of Bonnymilns RS 27/144 pp 259v C044401 1754-09-26 Ann Learmonth, relict of Thomas Spal\ ding of Leith Mill RS 27/155 pp 328r-337v C044401 1760-03-04 James Spalding of Bonnytoun Milns RS 27/201 pp 215v-221r C044401 1772-10-20 James Spalding, merchant in Georgia get: RS 27/17 pp 473-? 1719-01-16 John Spalding - mentions Thomas Spalding

Useful references: C. Fergusson, "Sketches of Strathardle": Lectures of Charles Ferguson to the Gaelic Society, 1889-1900 at Inverness, transcripts held by the Blairgowrie library Privy Council records of some sort on disciplinary measures. Register of Alyth Register of Deeds, Durie (e.g. vol 229 heritable Bond 30 may 1750) Register of Edinburgh Academy (and/or University?) "Records of Invercauld" Maps: 1st Ordinance Survey map of 1867 William Owen, "Highland place-names", Great Glen Publications, Invermoriston, Inverness-shire Major-General Stewart, "Sketches of the Highlanders", vol i, p 70. John Prebble, "The Lion in the North - One Thousand Years of Scotland's History", Penguin, 1981 edition. Andrew Fisher, "A Traveller's History of Scotland", 1994 Indexes to the "Service of Heirs in Scotland". Duke of Athole, "Families of Tullybardine and Atholl" Lachlan Rattray, Mansuscripts. Stodart, "Scottish Arms" "Jacobite correspondence of the Atholl family, during the Rebellion, MDCCXLV-VI" (1745-46) "Old Law Paper, Edinburgh. First Division, Feb 15, 1814" Ashintully estate dispute Major ?T. D.? Robertson-Reid "A Short History of Clan Robertson" Liddell, Colin Pitlochhry - Heritage of Highland District"(?) McDonald - "History of Blairbowrie", 1899. Marshall, "Historic Scenes of Perthshire" Scottish Statistical Accounts, 1791 (the first) Ghost of Mause (Fiction?) Living in Atholl : A Social History of the Estates, 1685-1785 Rights of Way - a guide to the law in Scotland published by The Scottish Rights of Way Society Ltd, 1 Luton Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9PH. ISBN: 0 9502811 31. Journal of Roman Archaeology, volume 4 (1991), p 315..Lawrence Keppie Roman Britain beyond Hadrian's Wall: some recent research

review of
W. S. HANSON, Agricola and the conquest of the north; G. S. MAXWELL, A battle lost: Romans and Caledonians at Mons Graupius; G. S. MAXWELL, The Romans in Scotland; S. S. FRERE and J. J. WILKES, Strageath, excavations within the Roman fort, 1973-86. Mormon library in Salt Lake: Eduard Spalding in German "Spaldings in Scotland, Sweden & Germany", 1898, 88p? 0282490 Charles Spalding "Some memoranda in relation to Thomas Spalding of Sapelo" 35 p ms. 1878 0184501 item 14 Bible records 1772-1904 40 p. Sara Leake Spalding et al. 0203240 Johnstone & Spalding Families of Eastern Scotland. Film area 0924442 item 2 Listed by Monumental inscriptions (pre-1855) in North Perthshire John Fowler Mitchell (Hard to Find) Perthshire in history and legend Archie McKerracher (Hard to Find) Return to Perthshire

Recorded in the spellings of Spaldin and Spalding, this interesting name is of Medieval English origin and is locational from a place called Spalding in Lincolnshire. The derivation of this surname is from the Old English pre 7th Century 'Spaldingas', meaning, members of the tribe of 'Spaldas'. This tribe is mentioned in the 'Tribal Hidage' of the 7th Century (Anglo Saxon Charters) and although the tribal name Spaldas is etymologically obscure, it is thought that they may have migrated from the continent, thus the name may have originated in some place there. Spaldas is presumably derived from the Old High German 'Spartan', meaning a Cleft, or Ravine. This placename appears in the Domesday Book of 1086 as 'Spaldyng', and in the Lincolnshire survey of circa 1115 as 'Spaldingis'. Listed in the 'Names of the Living in Virginia' dated February 16th 1623, are the family of Edward Spaolding, his wife, son and daughter, at 'Flourdien Hundred'. The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Gilbert de Spaldingis, which was dated 1175, in the Pipe Rolls of Lincolnshire, during the reign of King Henry 11, known as 'The Builder of Churches', 1154 - 1189. Surnames became necessary when governments introduced personal taxation. In England this was known as Poll Tax. Throughout the centuries, surnames in every country have continued to "develop" often leading to astonishing variants of the original spelling.

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