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Sparrow Genealogy and Sparrow Family History Information

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  • Abigail Crosby (1727 - 1815)
  • Abigail Snow (1692 - 1740)
    Descendant of Mayflower passengers Giles Hopkins, Stephen Hopkins and Constance Snow (Hopkins) Sparrow (1690 - 1740)Born 1690 in MassachusettsDaughter of Jonathan Sparrow and Rebecca (Merrick) SparrowS...
  • Ann Sparrow, Convict "Mary Ann" 1791 (b. - 1792)
    Ann SPARROW and her daughter Rose, were convicted of theft.Ann SPARROW was sentenced to 7 years transportation. Ann arrived in Sydney Cove on 9/7/1791 on "Mary Ann" .Ann died in 1792 in NSW
  • Anna Sparrow (1691 - 1772)
    Descendant of Mayflower passengers Mary Winslow and James Chilton
  • Anne Dymoke (c.1470 - c.1510)
    As was the tradition of London, he (Angel Donne) he gave his wife Anne Dune [sic] one-third of his estate, plus an additional 100 pounds and household stuff. He gave another third (again, tradition) to...

About the Sparrow surname

Sparrow is an English Surname.