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  • Christian de Stainton (c.1128 - c.1203)
    Christian married Sir Michael le Fleming Knight, son of Michael le Fleming and Daugter of Robert Stuteville.160 (Sir Michael le Fleming Knight died in 1186 in England 160,910.)===Familyof 1153, was pre...
  • Frank Harold Bates Stainton (1890 - 1917)
    Private in NZMC, file number 3/2584. Son of Fredrick Bond Stainton and Leila Harriett Stainton, of 16, Norman St., Auckland, New Zealand== Sources ==# New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honour: / Re...
  • Gilbert de Stainton, of Kendal (c.1112 - c.1200)
    Illeg. son of William II de Lancaster (Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came before...)Gilbert de Stainton, of Kendall Castle (Profile photo):The castle was probably built in the late ...
  • Joan Stainton (c.1325 - d.)
    concerns Do not confuse this Joan with her 1st cousin once removed Joan de Stainton . brief biography and family Joan Stainton, daughter of John Stainton and Joan de Wollay, was the heiress of her f...
  • John de Stainton (1240 - bef.1344)
    concerns Do not confuse this John with his nephew John Stainton .

About the Stainton surname


English: habitational name from any of many places in northern England called Stainton, named with Old Norse steinn ‘stone’, ‘rock’, + Old English tun ‘settlement’.

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