See the High Stewards of Scotland project.
- Although commonly believed to be Scotttish in origin, it may have actually had its early roots in Germany – Keeper of the estate; a bailiff; estate manager; sty keeper, steward; keeper of the household -(source Cecil O. Stewart USAF sharing what he was told on this name) "The first syllable 'Ste' was derived from the word 'Sty,' a place where pigs were kept. The syllable 'Wart' came from the word 'Ward' or 'Warden,' which meant 'Keeper or Overseer.' Putting the two syllables together, one gets 'Ste' (Sty) and 'Ward' (Ward or Warden). Thus, the name Stewart, actually means 'Sty Ward(en)' or literally, 'Warden of the Pig Sty." (Thanks Cecil O. Stewartl) -Many offices were hereditary in feudal as well as in later times. The Stewarts, for example, were the first to be named after their office alone. Although, the first Stewart, Alan, had a son who called himself Walter Fitz Alan, and his son called himself Alan Fitz-Walter. (excerpt from http://www.clanmacrae.org/documents/names.htm) -England was at war with Germany. Germany won. The new german king installed his new government. England was divided up into many smaller areas, each of which was governed by a newly appointed "Stewart" (Kind of like a governor) The "Stewarts" reported to the king but they WERE NOT royalty, per se. They were his ex army generals, friends, etc. that were being repaid for past loyalty. Each "Stewart" then became a very powerful person/family, ruling over his appointed area with full authority of the king. Each "Stewart" had his own army as well as his own "TARTAN and Shield" with his own colors. That's why there is no such thing as "THE" Stewart TARTAN, but actually several, as each "STEWART" chose his own design and colors. His home/palace was called "The house of Stewart".(Like the Governors mansion) Eventually most of the "Stewarts" family and even some of the staff and other workers became known as "Stewarts" to some degree. Keep in mind that most people did not have 1st, middle, and last names, but were usually known as joe, tom, etc. son of who-ever. That's where the JohnSON, WilSON, etc. came from. So, many of those associated with the "Stewart" became known as Joe of the Stewart, Bill of the Stewart, etc. with the "of the" eventually getting dropped. Many "Stewarts" became very powerful in their own right and actually fought against each other over territory, more power, etc. - The Stewart family drew its claim to the throne of Scotland [and later England] through Marjorie Bruce's marriage to Walter High Steward of Scotland. This initial historical situation had nothing to do with England or a war with Germany. It wasn't until James IV's marriage to Margaret Tudor [daughter of Henry VII] that the monarchy of Scotland had a claim to the throne of England. Not until James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I of England did the Stewarts gain control of the English throne. The English never stood well with a Scot on their throne, so they got a Hanoverian cousin eventually to "stand in". The name Stewart is indeed occupational, as Dan Ogletree has pointed out. The reason it is the 3rd most common name in Scotland today obviously has nothing to do with Ellis Island. The custodians of forests, folks and estates were all called Stewarts.(source Gary Rutherford Harding) -(source David Stewart)Gary's facts start around 1000 AD, where as, mine go back to the saxon rulers (The Germanic Kingship I referred to earlier.) As you can see they started around 924. Perhaps you should read up on this era. You will find the title of STEWART was in use long before Walter Fitz Alan took the title. Surely you don't think he made it up just for himself. Actually the title of Stewart was long well known by all and his adoption of it only reflected its already established high status. It is about this time that the name/title STEWART began to take on ROYAL airs, which, however deserving, was still not true royalty. Royal lineage still requires a father-son line, not a high government official to appointed guardian line , which was the David I to Walter Fitz-Alan relationship.
-(source Gary Rutherford Harding AGAIN)OOld English "stiweard," which is a combination of "sti" or "stig," meaning "sty," and "weard," meaning "keeper" or "ward." "stig" or "sti" also meant "hall" in Old English. The "stiweard" in those days was the man in charge of running the household affairs of the nobility, a sort of general manager of the manor or castle, and a very powerful man. strd, sty- 1. One who manages another's property, finances, or other affairs. 2. One who is in charge of the household affairs of a large estate, club, hotel, or resort. 3. A ship's officer who is in charge of provisions and dining arrangements. 4. An attendant on a ship or airplane. 5. An official who supervises or helps to manage an event. 6. A shop steward. 7. A wine steward. - - - wer DEFINITION: To perceive, watch out for. Derivatives include wary, lord, reward, guard, and panorama. I. O-grade form *wor-. 1. Suffixed form *wor-o-. a. wary, from Old English wær, watchful; b. aware, from Old English gewær, aware (ge-, collective and intensive prefix; see kom); c. ware2, from Old English warian, to beware. a–c all from Germanic *waraz. 2. Suffixed form wor-to-. a. (i) ward; lord, steward, from Old English weard, a watching, keeper; (ii) warder2, from Old English weardian, to ward, guard; b. warden; award, reward, wardrobe, from Old North French warder, to guard; c. guard; garderobe, regard, from Old French guarder,to guard; d. rearward2, from Anglo-Norman warde, guard. a–d all from Germanic *wardaz, guard, and *wardn, to guard. 3. ware1, from Old English waru, goods, protection, guard, from Germanic *war. 4. Suffixed form *wor-wo-. Arcturus, pylorus, from Greek ouros, a guard. 5. Probably variant *(s)wor-, *s(w)or-. ephor, panorama, from Greek horn, to see. II. Suffixed (stative) form *wer--. revere1, from Latin verr, to respect, feel awe for. (Pokorny 8. er- 1164.) 5. Probably variant *(s)wor-, *s(w)or-. ephor, panorama, from Greek horn, to see. II. Suffixed (stative) form *wer--. revere1, from Latin verr, to respect, feel awe for. (Pokorny 8. er- 1164.) - Walter, the son of Fleance, and grand-son of Banquo, was created, by Malcom III. Lord High Steward of Scotland, from which office his family afterward took and retained the name of Stewart, and from them descended the royal family of Stuart -The Stewart Clan is called the "Clan of Beggars and Kings." One side of the lineage is dirived from "Steward's" of the estates of the nobles of Great Britain. In this side of the clan the Stewart name eventually evolved. The other side of the Clan is made up of decendants of Mary Queen of Scots. These Stewart's are distantly related to the former Scottish Royal Family according to the Historical Research Center (Eddie Stewart).
==notable family members==
other versions of this surname
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