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Taft Genealogy and Taft Family History Information

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  • Sgt. Aaron Taft (1727 - 1805)
    A Patriot of the American Revolution for MASSACHUSETTS with the rank of SERGEANT. DAR Ancestor # A112337 The son of Lieut. Joseph and Elisabeth (Emerson) Taft, he married Marcy Arnold of Gloucester, ...
  • Aaron Taft (1743 - 1808)
  • Abigal Adams (1759 - 1822)
  • Alphonso Taft (1810 - 1891)
    Alphonso Taft Alphonso Taft was the U.S. Attorney General and Secretary of War under President Ulysses S. Grant and was the founder of an American political dynasty. Born in Townshend, V...
  • Anne Sinton (1852 - 1931)
    Charles Phelps Taft (December 21, 1843 - December 31, 1929) was an American lawyer and politician. He married Anna Sinton in 1873, who was an heiress to a pig iron fortune.Following his death, Annie (A...

About the Taft surname

27th President of United States