Tajik / Tojik people of Iranian language may be descended from A-'Awat-Te-Na ,son of Zhe-Rag-Ha ,
son of A-Wa-Hayad-Daha ,geenric ancestor of Daha peoples ,in the country of whom ,
originally in the Holy Land of America ,Levites descended from Awas-Ta-Ha-Ra lived and acted ,
of dialects of the Avasta language .
So ,Tojik at least might be formed from Te-A'Awat-Zhe-ik .
Later,a descendant likely of Ze-Ma-Rawa - a brother of the aforesaid ,of whom also a branch of
Zhe peoples comes in America - ,Hammad-At-Te'a appeared,who might be te ancestor of T'at people
of Hammadan ,who might also be called,as Hammadan was the capital of Média,Méd Jew ,or Mujahid ,
that is Mayawad-Zhe-A-Wa-Hayad .
A-Wa-Hayad-Daha in the contemporary Chinese sources Ju ,king of Hia,while Greeks and latins call
him Aidés ( Awid ) or Hadés and Dis respectively .
Hammad-At-Te'a was the father of Han-Man-Na,who in turn had a son called Awad-Zhe-Te'a ,
whose descendants may also be there among Tojiks ,who are at the same time T'at-Zhe-ik too .
Toda or Kworsham speakers of South India,the Nilgiri mountains ,may also be some kind of Todzhik
descendants from Khórasm,maybe of those called Hydraka people in that region .
Similarly ,Tót nation in the Carpathian Basin ,in its part called by themselves Horná Zem ,
may also be of Tot-Zhik origin from Horezm .
See David,Tót,Tóth,Tartar,Yazidi,Iron,Irani,Bagratuni,Kandahari,Krieger,Kohn,Rosenzweig,Verstandig,
Kraus,Ackermann,Kramer,Zsidó,Zsidai,Findler,Rosenwasser,Mandzsu,Mujahid,Romano and more !
Balázs Déri