Taranto in Saturnia was founded by Tarás of Lakónia and by his followers called parthini at the time of the wars between Lakónia and Messéné .
They might have well belonged to the city called either E'a-Pa-Ra-Te-Ha or A-Bawa-Te-Lak-Hamma
that was named of E'aparateha wife of Ak-a-La-Ba from the family of A-Pa-Rat-Sa , likely founder of Sparta .
Naba-Ta father of A-War-Rab-Bagra-Ma - first king of Samaria from about 1043 b.c.,likely ancestor of bagrimma or maur-arab nation - was also from there ,what suggests that the later capital of Nabataians, his offspring,namely Petra was also named of their ancestress : Pa-E'a-Te-Ra .
This latter was the city Bin-Dusara son of Alexander ruled first in,and where the rest of Arshakeni rulers of Parthyaia ( Pa-e'a-ra-te-ha- ) ,and some of purepecha ( also purhe-Petra ) nation with a language possibly distantly related to pano came from when re-taking the Holy Land that was denied to them after Alexander's ascension into the Heaven .
Tarascon in Narbona and tricori tribe mighht also be their colonists .
Jews and christians call them Efratah,Beyt-Lekhem,Kaleb,Perets,Nebat,Yeroboam .
See Alexander,Purecse,Porecki,Saudi,Blinker,Kamil,Arsch,,Kaminker,Iklódy,Urban,Marrocco,Balkar,Blinker, Tulipan,Dascal,Inokay,Tipter,Sidó,Kun,Koman,Teutscher,Türk,Hannofer,Sabbatini,Banard,Lombard,Sinatra, Black,Maghrabi,Tevan,Demsky,Rosenfeld,Coel,Papp !
Balázs Déri