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Teigen Genealogy and Teigen Family History Information

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  • Anita Skorgan
    Anita Skorgan (born November 13, 1958) is a Norwegian singer-songwriter. She was once married to Jahn Teigen, another successful Norwegian singer-songwriter. Together they have a daughter.She represent...
  • Betsey Peterson (1839 - 1931)
    Dåp SAB, Hafslo Sokneprestembete, Ministerialbok nr. A 5, 1834-1852, s. 33 Brukslenke for sidevisning: SAB, Hafslo Sokneprestembete, Ministerialbok nr. A 12, 1852-1885, s. 12-13 Brukslenke for sidevisn...
  • Dorothy Myrtus Fortun (1921 - 2011)
  • Iver Hansen Teigen (1845 - 1933)
    Events== (also see documents attached, and the timeline tab)* Churchbook number 4 of Fron, 1839-1848. Baptism of Iver number 19, March 20th 1845, born March 4th 1845: Parents: Hans Tollefsen Haagenstue...
  • Jahn Teigen (1949 - 2020) 25.02.2020: Jahn Teigen er død .Vår folkekjære artist sovnet stille inn mandag kveld på Ystad sykehus. Jahn Teigen ble 70 år gammel.Jahn Teigen (born 27 September 1949) is a Norwegian singer and ...

About the Teigen surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Teigen surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Teigen surname.

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