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There are already 114 users and over 6,453 genealogy profiles with the van der Byl surname on Geni. Explore van der Byl genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.

van der Byl Genealogy and van der Byl Family History Information

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  • Agnes Bayley (1490 - 1553)
  • Alfred Bayly (1866 - 1907)
    Alfred Bayly (20 May 1866 – 14 December 1907) was a New Zealand rugby union player and administrator, and cricketer.
  • Alice Gregory (c.1554 - 1627)
  • Ann Bayly (1833 - 1919)
    Arrived on the Amelia Thompson 1841 : Ann was amongst the passengers arriving in New Plymouth on board the ship "Amelia Thompson". 'Amelia Thompson' arrived New Plymouth, New Zealand 3rd September, 184...
  • Ann Bayley (b. - 1614)
    Not a known child of Thomas Fowle & Sarah Fowle

About the van der Byl surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the van der Byl surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the van der Byl surname.

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