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  • Ada d'Engaine, heiress of Burgh-by-Sands (c.1115 - 1167)
    Ada d'Engayne, daughter and heir of William de Engaine. Ada was born about 1093 (some have 1122) and lived in Burgh-by-Sands, Cumbria, England. Parents : William de Engaine (1) b. circa 1063?, d. ci...
  • Adam of Castle Carrock (c.1140 - 1175)
    Adam De CASTLEROCK / Adam de Vaux Notes: Probably of the de Vallibus family.* parents: Eustace de Vaux & Daughter of Bueth of Gilsland Children:* 1. Robert De CASTLEROCK of Strickland* 2. Walter De CAS...
  • Agatha de Vaux, Heir of Dirleton (c.1325 - 1355)
    It seems pretty certain that the first Vaux of Barnbarroch was a cadet of the house of De Vaux of Dirleton. The following extracts from the Official Guide book to Dirleton Castle summarise what is know...
  • Agnes FitzWalter (1097 - aft.1140)
  • Aitard de Vaux, of Norfolk (c.1040 - d.)
    The Norman Castle of Vaux or De Vallibus is mentioned by Orderic Vitalis: and then Terra di Vallibus continued in the possession of the family to which it gave their name until the time of King John. T...

About the Vaux surname


The only credible information I know of about the history of the Vaus or de Vaux family at the time of the Norman conquest of 1066 is from the book “The Anglo-Norman Era in Scottish History” by G.W.S. Barrow which suggests that the family was not of great distinction at this time.

Playfair in “Baronetage of Scotland, (quoted by Balbirnie) and Balbirnie in his “Genealogical and historical account of the family of Vance” claim a connection with the lords of Baux, in Provence. To my knowledge there is no documentary evidence to show any such link or any reason to suppose that there is any truth in the idea. I believe that the heraldic evidence shows clearly that there is no such connection.

I have found that Vans, Vanns, Vanse, Vas, Vass, Vaus, Vauss, Vause, Waus, Wauss and Vance all seem to be completely interchangeable even within a single document without any discernible pattern of use according to the date or particular branch of the family.

~Jamie Vans of Barnbarroch

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