There are already 809 users and over 19,329 genealogy profiles with the Venter surname on Geni. Explore Venter genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
van die plaas Zeekoegat, Prins Albert distrik.Birth: (KAB MOOC 6/9/81.5024) Sy is in die Sneeuberg distrik gebore. Chr(3): Death(4): (KAB MOOC 6/9/81.5024)
Surname field as per birth surname due to pre 1820 as well as 2 husbands. Aletta married Hendrik Adriaan ROETS, son of Nicolaas RUTS (Stamvader) and Jacoba Elisabeth LUBBE, on 7 Mar 1790. (Hendrik Adri...
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